Surrender to God, and Trust the Universe !!!

Bhagyashree Khakal
4 min readApr 15, 2022

You read it right, Surrender to Great God, Let it go, and Trust the Universe. Surrender yourself to the Lord and trust him. There is no religion that does not emphasize the need to surrender to God as the first step and crucial step. Surrender is considered to be the simplest path to salvation in Hinduism.

Picture Source from Redbuddle

Abandon all varieties of religion, and just surrender unto me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear. — Lord Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita

The connection between me and my life has become very simple. When life pushes me too hard or life has knocked me down or maybe I am too pressurized, the first thing I do is Breathe. Breathe, focus on breathing, and Surrender to the Almighty and to Universe, and I find peace.

Yet surrender is the most difficult act for most of us as surrender is not a matter of choice but arises only from deep conviction. Man is the only species in this world that works according to his own choices while other follows mother nature. We are all trained to use our minds and intellect to know the truth and take decisions in our life and it is extremely difficult to discard the reason and logic from our minds even if we wish to, which is why we as Human beings fall in the trap. The difference between us (humans) and monkeys is that Humans are far superior in intellect, skills, language, and other characteristics to our close cousins (monkeys) which gives us superiority.

Trust the process, don’t stress yourself out. Whatever makes you overthink, give it to god. Trust his timing. It is not a fallacy but the real truth. HAVE FAITH, when you step outside your comfort zone for your higher purpose, Universe will support you in every way.

God is the Shrishti Karta — the CREATOR. Trust the UNIVERSE, the way it is, including the chaos, misery, etc. Just Trust it !!! The universe always has your back. At times, when things do not work out the way we want them to (for which we pray with all our hearts to happen), I see it as God’s way of warning us ‘that what we are asking for is not good for us’. Only He knows what is good for us and what is not.

As it is said, man proposes and God disposes of — we can only propose, it is ultimately HE who puts an end to things.

We may not realize these things at that very moment, but over a period of time, we come to certain realization, where we see that He had something better in store for us which is why he did not let things happen, even though we may have yearned for it. And to realise this, we need to trust him.

Full surrender to God means that we accept God as our Creator and Savior, and surrender to him for our life. We are not meant to keep certain parts back but surrender our whole life to Him in an act of obedience and complete trust.

However, keep in mind that you have to surrender yourself to God, not your assignments, your goals, your purposes. Keep toiling away with your full dedication along with the faith in Lord that He who has given me a way to work hard will also assist in researching an appropriate one!!!

Surrender is the only way to walk closely with God. When He comes and asks, you have a choice to surrender to His will or to continue to walk on your own. If you choose to surrender to His way, it may be costly, but it is also glorious. Knowing that we are smack dab in the center of God’s will for our lives gives us great confidence before God and before men.

I challenge you to choose to surrender today to what He is asking you to do. It may be difficult, but you won’t regret surrendering to God’s will. Do not fear!!!

Happy reading !!!



Bhagyashree Khakal

Software Techie | Mystic | Optimistic | Novice Writer | IG @khakalbhagyashree